Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I have a lot of resolutions this year. The last two years have been kinda tough across the board. Life, finances, relationship, work.
You name it. But I've made a lot of changes and I've grown a lot.
I'm taking control of this year and making it do my bidding!

I've signed up for a fitness thingy "Get Off Your Broomstick" Witchy fitness challenge in which I have pledged to myself to take 500 steps a day on my mini-stepper for the next three months. I'm #43 on the list.

I signed up for #WIP500 in which I pledge to write at least 500 words a day. Whether it be blogging or working on one of my latest works in progress, I will write on a daily basis. I'm #58 on the list.

I will learn a language. Something I've been trying to do for a while, and failing. I know a lot of phrases in a lot of languages but I don't speak a single language fluently.

I will finish editing "Zombie Fortress". It is the first thing I've actually finished. Big progress for me there, for sure!

I will read daily. I have a large 'To Be Read' pile. Both paper and digital. Fiction and Non-Fiction.

I will finish the first draft of Augi The Brave, the latest zombie apocalypse story.

I will finish my First Degree of Correlian Wicca classes. I've been signed up for a while but haven't really applied myself. Correlian Wicca is a philosophically based belief system of Wicca and seems to be a good fit for me. Time to focus.

The most important resolution of the year? Take care of myself and make time to focus on my own growth. If I'm going to be successful at anything I need to stop whining about things and start doing them. I am the only one who can improve me.
I am the only one who can finish writing my stories, get me in shape and whip my life into shape.

Have a Happy New Year everyone, I hope yours is as good as can possibly be!


  1. Hi TJ,

    Yay on the writing and getting off your broom, too. Our plans for the year are very similar, so I figured I'll stop by and say hello.

    Good luck with the tales and great luck with keep your tail off the broom *wink, wink*

  2. Thanks for stopping by and Good Luck to you to!
    I have every intention of getting back into my favorite pair of pants, LOL!
