What gets you writing?
What makes you sit down and begin that new story?
Is it life experience, a chance encounter, a sudden light bulb of inspiration?
Do you wait until the muse is yammering away or do you make the decision that 'today, I am writing and damn the consequences'?
For me lately it has been anger and frustration. Life throws curve balls and you just have to take the chance and swing away. I can't change the situation I'm in without major pain and anguish for everyone involved so, for now, I swing away. I don't know if what I'm writing is brilliant or pure crap.
I'm taking that chance. Writing to relieve the pressure of emotion has always been my way, my haven, the only way to get everything out and not go punch someone in the face who truly deserves it.
I know, you laugh, I'm sure you've had that urge too! Hahahaha!
When I was young I would write poetry, then drop it in the fireplace or tear it into little pieces and flush it down the toilet. I can't explain why it was necessary to destroy my work, that would take too long here. Besides you don't need to hear my sob story, you've probably got your own.
When one of my old friends asked what I write about (years ago) I told her that if she were to read my poetry, she would never speak to me again. I was that harsh in releasing every thought onto the page, even about my supposed friends.
I never kept a diary. Too risky.
Now I write with the intention of releasing it to the world. I'm terrified.
I'm terrified of how others will judge my work. I'm terrified that what I've written will be deliberately misinterpreted.
I'm terrified that you'll hate it.
I'm also excited. I'm finally going for the home run. I'm tuning out the inner critic, that voice of a person from my past who never found anything good about me. I'll swing at that curve ball and hope to send it out of the park.
I'm saying 'today, I am writing and damn the consequences'
My muse is giggling an evil giggle in the background and wringing her hands in that evil genius way.
Concerned about my sanity yet?
Or has your muse handed you the bat and started chanting 'Swing Away!'?
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